Thanks for visiting hopefully you have a reely good time
Don't feel Orcaward.....just scroll down and enjoy the fish puns....
Not bad, cod do batter...
Holy Shrimp! This Scampi Happening?
We should dolphinitely scale back on the fish puns
What's the one fish that 40 percent of all Americans are afraid of? ClownFish
What did the fish get on his math test? A sea +
Where does a fish store its money? A river bank
Let minnow
Two fish swam into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says "Dam!"
Where do fish go to borrow money? A loan-shark.
What do you call a man and a woman who own a fishing store? Rod and Annette.
Who's the wealthiest fish in the sea? Gill Gates, the flounder of Mackerelsoft.
Last night I made fish tacos. They looked at them and just swam away.
How does a squid go into battle? Well armed!
What's a sharks favourite movie? Shaw-shark Redemption!
What did the shark say to the other shark? There's some-fin special about you!
What do sharks order at McDonalds? A quarter flounder with cheese!
Why do sharks live in salt water? Because pepper water makes them sneeze!
Why don’t oysters like to share? Because they’re shellfish!
How do you make a goldfish age? Take out the G and Fish!
What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fishually impaired!
Just like the tunafish sandwich said, I've got a feeling we're not in cans-us anymore!
Why did the fish blush? because it saw the oceans bottom!
What's a fish's least favorite complement? You're such a catch!