
Thanks for visiting hopefully you have a reely good time

Donated by: Squid

Don't feel Orcaward.....just scroll down and enjoy the fish puns....

Donated by:

Not bad, cod do batter...

Donated by:

Holy Shrimp! This Scampi Happening?

Donated by:

We should dolphinitely scale back on the fish puns

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What's the one fish that 40 percent of all Americans are afraid of? ClownFish

Donated by: Lewy

What did the fish get on his math test? A sea +

Donated by: Potshot

Where does a fish store its money? A river bank

Donated by: Potshot

Let minnow

Donated by: Nanciscor

Two fish swam into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says "Dam!"

Donated by: Lewy

Where do fish go to borrow money? A loan-shark.

Donated by: Lewy

What do you call a man and a woman who own a fishing store? Rod and Annette.

Donated by: Lewy

Who's the wealthiest fish in the sea? Gill Gates, the flounder of Mackerelsoft.

Donated by: Lewy

Last night I made fish tacos. They looked at them and just swam away.

Donated by: Lewy

How does a squid go into battle? Well armed!

Donated by: Lewy

What's a sharks favourite movie? Shaw-shark Redemption!

Donated by: Lewy

What did the shark say to the other shark? There's some-fin special about you!

Donated by: Lewy

What do sharks order at McDonalds? A quarter flounder with cheese!

Donated by: Lewy

Why do sharks live in salt water? Because pepper water makes them sneeze!

Donated by: Lewy

Why don’t oysters like to share? Because they’re shellfish!

Donated by: Lewy

How do you make a goldfish age? Take out the G and Fish!

Donated by: Lewy

What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fishually impaired!

Donated by: Lewy

Just like the tunafish sandwich said, I've got a feeling we're not in cans-us anymore!

Donated by: Morty

Why did the fish blush? because it saw the oceans bottom!

Donated by: NP

What's a fish's least favorite complement? You're such a catch!

Donated by: Zeno


Sadly the orginal got taken down and is no longer hosted.

So, I took it upon myself to rehost fishpun jokes for all to see.
